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    Tuesday, September 30, 2008

    The Exploitation of Children for Politcal Purposes is Totally Unacceptable. The Rocker has Decreed it.

    So today I came across a video on you tube that is really unacceptable, by all instances. The video shows a bunch of children gleefully singing along to a song about how Obama is going to change the world. An excerpt from this song for example is the following: "Obama's gonna change it. Obama's gonna lead 'em."

    Maybe after all of this "change" and when he's done parting the seas, he can buy me a turkey sandwich. Of course, under his socialist ideas, everyone gets a sandwich.

    However, that's a whole other topic alltogether. My point is simple: these people are nuts. It is completely unacceptable to exploit your children to help further your political agenda. I think the North Koreans did this sort of brainwashing to their children as well.

    Look at the girl singing from the open of the video. Do you think she is aware of an increase in capital gains tax? Do you think she understands how this election puts the private sector directly at risk? No, she has no clue - nor should she. She is a child. The problem arises from the other people who don't have a clue: her parents. This child and every other child in the video should be concerned with normal kid things - when you are a child, the only thing that should matter is being a child. Go outside and ride a bike. Color. Do anything. Mom and Dad should not be enforcing their liberal agenda upon you.

    This sort of brainwashing is what gets us into problems in the first place. I mean, talk about drinking the kool-aid. These kids are not old enough to think for themselves in regards to world political issues. The parents are shaping them to be a certain way, to act a certain way, to not think for themselves. It's disgusting. That is the only word I can use for it: disgusting.

    I am serious about the North Koreans. Kim Jong-Il has also used propaganda tapes as such for young people to breed them into thinking a certain way. It was disgusting and unacceptable for the North Koreans, and it is sure as hell unacceptable for these idiot parents. Only in California does this sort of lunacy exist. Don't get me wrong, I love the state of California - but it is the only state to elect that nutjob Nancy Pelosi.

    If these silly ass hippies want to talk about corrupting the minds of the youth, they should look within as they spread their agenda on people who are 8-10 years away from being able to vote.

    Here's the video, in all of its gut-wrenching glory:

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