The Rocker and The Banker's Updates
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday, Hippies, and a rant
This morning at a Long Island Wal Mart a man was trampled to death and a pregnant woman was thrown to the ground. All this happened while a mob of people were fighting to be the first in the store for Black Friday shopping. Just to review....A MAN WAS TRAMPLED TO DEATH BECAUSE PEOPLE WANTED TO SHOP! We live in a country that has the amazing ability to be a nation of great charity and compassion, while at the same time be a nation of unbridled selfishness and greed. Sadly, the holiday season tends to be the time of the year that brings out the best and the worst that our nation has to offer.
The grotesque spectacle at the Wal Mart in Long Island is a sad testament and example of the worst of our nation. In a moment of frenzy, all concern for the safety of others and all respect for other people was disregarded in the name of selfishness and greed. TVs and laptops were ultimately more important than human beings to the members of that mob. Now, clearly if you asked the individuals in that mob if they would kill someone for a discounted piece of electronics, they would say no. (Of course this is in theory) But their actions tell a different tale. Why would a group of people that understand the value of human life in relation to material possessions act in a manner contrary to that knowledge?
Pure and simple, the people in that mob were only concerned with themselves. It isn't that they didn't value human life, it is just that they were not considering it because they were too involved with their own desires. These people were too consumed with themselves to consider the people around them. These are the same people that cut other people off in traffic because they have no consideration for the cars around them. They are the people that talk in theaters because they don't care about the other movie goers. They are the people that yell at the waitstaff at a restaurant. They are the people that care about nothing more than themselves and their immediate happiness. They are the people that forget the important caveat of American liberties. One man's rights stop where another man's begin.
How have we as a nation gotten to this point? Why are we so self-consumed that we make donations to charity for the tax write-off and community service is a term best known as a punishment for guilt? I personally blame hippies.
The counter-cultural movement of the sixties introduced an entire generation of Americans to a lifestyle of self-gratification. A lifestyle in which one's only concern was in the happiness that one was feeling in each moment. To quote Grateful Dead guitarist, Bob Weir, "It was about exploration, finding new ways of expression, being aware of one's existence." Basically, it was about yourself. The reason this is noteworthy is that it was counter to the culture of the rest of the nation, in which the focus was on the family, or the community, or the nation. The hippie culture taught Americans that it was cool to worry only about your own personal gratification. Drugs were fine because they made you feel good. Having a job was not necessary as long as you were happy in poverty. Now the problem with this movement is not really that a large number of people wasted their lives. These people had children and raised their children in this toxic culture. But the true damage of the counter-culture was that because of the new media of television, an entire nation of youth were exposed to this self centered ideology. This type of ideology appealed to the 18-25 year old demographic. Television and marketing like to target the 18-25 year old demographic. So, the hippie movement became a major national story, thus feeding the movement to young Americans all of the country. An entire generation of frustrated youth, upset about Vietnam, the draft, and searching for an identity of their own, were drawn to this movement of self-indulgence.
This generation is now in charge of this nation. They run our companies. They market our products. They establish our cultural norms because they control our media. They have raised a generation of children in a materialistic and self-centered existence. They have created a secular society in which the only person that matters is yourself. Christmas is about gifts. It is no longer about family and a celebration of faith, it is about increasing retail sales and getting good deals on products we have been sold on.
Alexis de Tocqueville wrote that America was only able to have a democracy because it was a religious nation. His point was not that democracy was divinely inspired, it was that in a nation with such tremendous freedom, the only way that civility and order can be maintained is if the citizens had an intrinsic ethical code that self-governed their use of those freedoms as to not harm others.
The problem with having the freedoms that are present in a democracy is that it requires the citizens to be responsible for the proper use of those freedoms. Responsibility accompanies freedom. This is why modern liberals are such fans of larger government. Large government takes the responsibility away from the individuals. This allows individuals to do nothing more than focus on themselves and their own self-gratification. If the government is taking care of the crap that people don't want to do, then people just get to do whatever they want without care. As Homer Simpson so eloquently put it while running for Sanitation Commissioner, "Can't someone else do it?" This line of thinking is the offspring of the hippie movement and its message of self-indulgence. It has permeated our culture and creates days like Black Friday and tragedies like a man getting trampled to death because of a sale.
Sorry for the random and extensive post. It is the Rocker's fault for taking me to a metal show.
-The Banker
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The election and other thoughts - a time for action.
I have thought long and hard about this election. I have listened to different sides, different viewpoints - Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, name it. I have held my tongue for a few weeks and tried to formulate my thoughts correctly - as to make sure that I did not rush to any snap judgement.
The time has come to let my voice be heard, my friends.
For starters, I will say that it is historic that a black man was elected President of the United States of America. I don't think anyone will deny that in all cases, it was and is an impressive victory. Let us not also forget that many African Americans have also paved the way for this - such as Colin Powell, Condolezza Rice, Clarence Thomas, and others.
However in regards to the Obama victory, that is where my praise will end.
This is a call for all Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and anyone else out there with an open mind to listen to these words that I have to say: this fight has just begun.
While I am willing to give Barry O and his administration a chance, I am not for a second about to turn my back on the principles which I embrace, or the ideals which make up who I am. That being said, I will be critical of this administration, just as I am and will be critical of anyone in office - Republican or Democrat. While a portion of America was busy crying "hope" and "change" and any other clever slogan that was thrown at them - I shuddered, because all I could see was an overwhelming majority of idiots elected to congress, and a President that coupled with these people, is here to fringe on the liberty of the modern American. A president who has proposed policies that punish the private sector, and try and put everything closer to government control. I want you to mark my words: it is not the government's job to tell me, you, or any other hardworking American what to do with our money, where it should go, or who to "spread the wealth around" to. Ronald Reagan said it best in his farewell address - "As government expands, liberty contracts."
This is where the Republican party and conservatives failed in the general election. We ran a guy who would not speak up against Obama, and we were so silenced by a completely biased media (just think of Matthews saying he gets a "tingle up his leg" or later saying that it is his job to make sure this administration succeeds - whatever happened to a non biased media?), and we were so silenced by every crazed Obama voter shouting off their mindless crap. My advice to Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians (yes, all of you who voted for Bob Barr or who understood some of the great things that Ron Paul had to say in the primaries), and everyone else out there - DO NOT BE SILENCED. They can try to silence you, but let your voice be heard loud and proud - now is your time to let your voice ring through - so that America can hear what you have to say.
This idea of unity as it is being phrased by so many people these days to me is bullshit. Excuse my language - but there is no eloquent way I can put it. The very idea that Barry O is here to say "hey America, I am here to save you of all your ills and unite everyone" and then it will magically happen is ludicrous to me. I do not honestly think that with a wave of his magic wand, Barack Obama is here to cure society of its ills. I am against National Healthcare. I do not agree with bastardizing any of the work our men and women in the armed forces have done. I do not agree with this idea of punishing those who succeed and basically stealing from hard working americans and redistributing that money to the bottom portion of those who already do not pay any income tax (can you say welfare? if we encourage this behavior, it gives individuals the impression that there is no reason to be motivated, no reason to try and succeed. Why try and go far if the the government will take it away from you as you succeed, or just let you skate by if you are lazy?) I do not agree with the idea of a higher capital gains tax. I think the fairness doctrine is anything but fair, and desecrates one of our basic rights - free political speech. I am against giving more federal aid to failing industry - such as this bailout (for the record, I am angry at Republican and Democrat for passing the bailout. Much like no child left behind, it is a bipartisan failure). I am against the idea that government should take care of everything - that common good for all man can only be achieved through government intervention. In my mind - this is one of the stark differences that I find between liberals and conservatives. Liberals will have a "pay at the voting booth" sort of mentality - as if voting for a government that may allocate your money to where they see fit is a way of "charity," but are typically less likely to give to any sort. The conservative philosophy revolves around helping the individual - not a "just giving at the voting booth" style of philosophy. To clarify - more government intervention means less freedom for the American people. This pseudo-socialist/marxist theory proposed is not what this country was founded upon.
I feel like this is turning into an angry rant, and I do not mean it to be. My point is that I am not going to sit here and act like everything is going to be fine. It's not. I understand that you cannot win all the time - and in this case, I was on the losing side of the battle. I feel like many people - McCain was not my first choice, but once Barry opened his mouth with such theories, or such associations came to light (Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, etc) - then I had no choice but to support McCain and hope he would prevail over Barry.
Now, this isn't to say I don't think there should be some restructuring going on. The Republicans increased the size of government. That was bad. The war in Iraq was certainly mishandled in some respects. This is certainly unfortunate. The stock market has definitely seen better days. There needs to be certain things in the system fixed. But - I do not think turning our back on capitalism, free market, and the very basic principles awarded to us in this constitution are the answer. Taxing the corporations more and more and more is certainly not a good way to "jump start" the economy. It's biting the hand that feeds, and is only going to have a negative effect on the American public.
I do not want to see this country fail. I would much rather eat every one of these words, and say "well, I was wrong" and have this country turn the path in the right direction. I love America and wish her well every single moment of every single day. So - in some ways, I would like to see people come together. But there has to be a normal system of checks and balances, and I feel that is the job of any of those with an open mind to speak out when warranted. Do not let the marxists take over your country. Do not let more government intervention be seen as the way of the future (see my blog on the de-privitization of 401k plans for an example). Listen to what others on the other side have to say - you will not be right 100 percent of the time - but on that token, either will they.
The Republican party needs to restructure. They need to get some of the old blood out there, and get some new, exciting, young blood in. While we cannot do anything in a presidential fashion for four years, let's concentrate on getting the right people in office in 2010, and showing Reid and Pelosi that they do not run this country. This is a country for we the people, and it is our job to tell government what to do - not the other way around.
-The Rocker-
The time has come to let my voice be heard, my friends.
For starters, I will say that it is historic that a black man was elected President of the United States of America. I don't think anyone will deny that in all cases, it was and is an impressive victory. Let us not also forget that many African Americans have also paved the way for this - such as Colin Powell, Condolezza Rice, Clarence Thomas, and others.
However in regards to the Obama victory, that is where my praise will end.
This is a call for all Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and anyone else out there with an open mind to listen to these words that I have to say: this fight has just begun.
While I am willing to give Barry O and his administration a chance, I am not for a second about to turn my back on the principles which I embrace, or the ideals which make up who I am. That being said, I will be critical of this administration, just as I am and will be critical of anyone in office - Republican or Democrat. While a portion of America was busy crying "hope" and "change" and any other clever slogan that was thrown at them - I shuddered, because all I could see was an overwhelming majority of idiots elected to congress, and a President that coupled with these people, is here to fringe on the liberty of the modern American. A president who has proposed policies that punish the private sector, and try and put everything closer to government control. I want you to mark my words: it is not the government's job to tell me, you, or any other hardworking American what to do with our money, where it should go, or who to "spread the wealth around" to. Ronald Reagan said it best in his farewell address - "As government expands, liberty contracts."
This is where the Republican party and conservatives failed in the general election. We ran a guy who would not speak up against Obama, and we were so silenced by a completely biased media (just think of Matthews saying he gets a "tingle up his leg" or later saying that it is his job to make sure this administration succeeds - whatever happened to a non biased media?), and we were so silenced by every crazed Obama voter shouting off their mindless crap. My advice to Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians (yes, all of you who voted for Bob Barr or who understood some of the great things that Ron Paul had to say in the primaries), and everyone else out there - DO NOT BE SILENCED. They can try to silence you, but let your voice be heard loud and proud - now is your time to let your voice ring through - so that America can hear what you have to say.
This idea of unity as it is being phrased by so many people these days to me is bullshit. Excuse my language - but there is no eloquent way I can put it. The very idea that Barry O is here to say "hey America, I am here to save you of all your ills and unite everyone" and then it will magically happen is ludicrous to me. I do not honestly think that with a wave of his magic wand, Barack Obama is here to cure society of its ills. I am against National Healthcare. I do not agree with bastardizing any of the work our men and women in the armed forces have done. I do not agree with this idea of punishing those who succeed and basically stealing from hard working americans and redistributing that money to the bottom portion of those who already do not pay any income tax (can you say welfare? if we encourage this behavior, it gives individuals the impression that there is no reason to be motivated, no reason to try and succeed. Why try and go far if the the government will take it away from you as you succeed, or just let you skate by if you are lazy?) I do not agree with the idea of a higher capital gains tax. I think the fairness doctrine is anything but fair, and desecrates one of our basic rights - free political speech. I am against giving more federal aid to failing industry - such as this bailout (for the record, I am angry at Republican and Democrat for passing the bailout. Much like no child left behind, it is a bipartisan failure). I am against the idea that government should take care of everything - that common good for all man can only be achieved through government intervention. In my mind - this is one of the stark differences that I find between liberals and conservatives. Liberals will have a "pay at the voting booth" sort of mentality - as if voting for a government that may allocate your money to where they see fit is a way of "charity," but are typically less likely to give to any sort. The conservative philosophy revolves around helping the individual - not a "just giving at the voting booth" style of philosophy. To clarify - more government intervention means less freedom for the American people. This pseudo-socialist/marxist theory proposed is not what this country was founded upon.
I feel like this is turning into an angry rant, and I do not mean it to be. My point is that I am not going to sit here and act like everything is going to be fine. It's not. I understand that you cannot win all the time - and in this case, I was on the losing side of the battle. I feel like many people - McCain was not my first choice, but once Barry opened his mouth with such theories, or such associations came to light (Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, etc) - then I had no choice but to support McCain and hope he would prevail over Barry.
Now, this isn't to say I don't think there should be some restructuring going on. The Republicans increased the size of government. That was bad. The war in Iraq was certainly mishandled in some respects. This is certainly unfortunate. The stock market has definitely seen better days. There needs to be certain things in the system fixed. But - I do not think turning our back on capitalism, free market, and the very basic principles awarded to us in this constitution are the answer. Taxing the corporations more and more and more is certainly not a good way to "jump start" the economy. It's biting the hand that feeds, and is only going to have a negative effect on the American public.
I do not want to see this country fail. I would much rather eat every one of these words, and say "well, I was wrong" and have this country turn the path in the right direction. I love America and wish her well every single moment of every single day. So - in some ways, I would like to see people come together. But there has to be a normal system of checks and balances, and I feel that is the job of any of those with an open mind to speak out when warranted. Do not let the marxists take over your country. Do not let more government intervention be seen as the way of the future (see my blog on the de-privitization of 401k plans for an example). Listen to what others on the other side have to say - you will not be right 100 percent of the time - but on that token, either will they.
The Republican party needs to restructure. They need to get some of the old blood out there, and get some new, exciting, young blood in. While we cannot do anything in a presidential fashion for four years, let's concentrate on getting the right people in office in 2010, and showing Reid and Pelosi that they do not run this country. This is a country for we the people, and it is our job to tell government what to do - not the other way around.
-The Rocker-
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Uniting the States of America
The election is over. Barack Obama is our President-elect. Congratulations to Obama and all of his supports for a fantastic campaign, and for helping to make American history. America having its first African-American president is a source of pride as well as a testament to the progress we have made as a nation. In forty years, we have gone from African-Americans being unable to eat at certain restaurants to having an African-American as the leader of the free world. Not enough can be said about the millions of men and women that have helped pave the way for the progress that has been made and I can not begin to understand the joy being felt by African-Americans.
For the millions of Americans that did not vote for Obama, it is now time to respect the democratic process that we love and cherish as Americans. It is time to support our new president and do everything in our power to help him be the best president that he can be. That does not mean blindly following him, but it does mean giving him the respect owed to the president. No one should oppose Obama because he is a democrat. No one should hope that Obama fails for political or personal reasons. All Americans need to be united around our leader and support him in making our nation a better place.
However, that does not mean that Obama is above criticism. If an American disagrees with the decisions or the policies of Obama, then it is that person's right to voice the opposition. As long as the opposition is done with respect. For example, I am opposed to the idea of another stimulus package, so I will oppose Obama in instituting another stimulus package. I am not opposing Obama, I am opposing his policy and decision.
(On a side note, people need to stop being so disrespectful to President Bush. You can disagree with someone without being disrespectful. History will be the judge of his presidency, there is no need to heap insults on the man that has served our nation for the last eight years. The American people have voted in new leadership. Piling disdain on the Bush administration is in no way constructive for our country and makes those insulting him look like children ganging up to pick on the unpopular kid.)
As far as unity is concerned, our country would be better off if our political parties could work together. Unfortunately, neither party is willing to make the first step with any conviction. Speeches are words, and words can lie. Actions are different. One of the parties needs to act in a bipartisan manner instead of just criticize the other party for not being bipartisan. A huge step in the right direction would be for Americans to stop saying idiotic things like "I hate Nancy Pelosi" or "Sarah Palin is stupid". Until Americans get over making politics about people instead of making politics about ideas, then we aren't going to get any unity.
At this point, it would make the most sense for Republicans to make this gesture. The GOP is out of power and needs to make changes in order to change that. The GOP needs to spend the next two years working with Democrats to solve problems. The GOP needs to spend the next two years making its message about the issues and not the individuals in the Democratic party. The GOP needs to work with Democrats on fixing the economy, reforming the tax code, securing energy independence, and defeating terrorists. Bipartisan solutions that have the public in mind are the solutions that stand the test of time. Partisan solutions that are put in place in spite of the other party die as soon as power changes. We need our representatives to put common support behind the solutions for our nation. Americans are entitled to a government that is solution driven, not power driven.
People can rally around a common cause or a vision, as long as they don't hate each other.
-The Banker-
For the millions of Americans that did not vote for Obama, it is now time to respect the democratic process that we love and cherish as Americans. It is time to support our new president and do everything in our power to help him be the best president that he can be. That does not mean blindly following him, but it does mean giving him the respect owed to the president. No one should oppose Obama because he is a democrat. No one should hope that Obama fails for political or personal reasons. All Americans need to be united around our leader and support him in making our nation a better place.
However, that does not mean that Obama is above criticism. If an American disagrees with the decisions or the policies of Obama, then it is that person's right to voice the opposition. As long as the opposition is done with respect. For example, I am opposed to the idea of another stimulus package, so I will oppose Obama in instituting another stimulus package. I am not opposing Obama, I am opposing his policy and decision.
(On a side note, people need to stop being so disrespectful to President Bush. You can disagree with someone without being disrespectful. History will be the judge of his presidency, there is no need to heap insults on the man that has served our nation for the last eight years. The American people have voted in new leadership. Piling disdain on the Bush administration is in no way constructive for our country and makes those insulting him look like children ganging up to pick on the unpopular kid.)
As far as unity is concerned, our country would be better off if our political parties could work together. Unfortunately, neither party is willing to make the first step with any conviction. Speeches are words, and words can lie. Actions are different. One of the parties needs to act in a bipartisan manner instead of just criticize the other party for not being bipartisan. A huge step in the right direction would be for Americans to stop saying idiotic things like "I hate Nancy Pelosi" or "Sarah Palin is stupid". Until Americans get over making politics about people instead of making politics about ideas, then we aren't going to get any unity.
At this point, it would make the most sense for Republicans to make this gesture. The GOP is out of power and needs to make changes in order to change that. The GOP needs to spend the next two years working with Democrats to solve problems. The GOP needs to spend the next two years making its message about the issues and not the individuals in the Democratic party. The GOP needs to work with Democrats on fixing the economy, reforming the tax code, securing energy independence, and defeating terrorists. Bipartisan solutions that have the public in mind are the solutions that stand the test of time. Partisan solutions that are put in place in spite of the other party die as soon as power changes. We need our representatives to put common support behind the solutions for our nation. Americans are entitled to a government that is solution driven, not power driven.
People can rally around a common cause or a vision, as long as they don't hate each other.
-The Banker-
Barack Obama,
bi partisanship,
Friday, November 7, 2008
Harry Reid trying to oust Joe Lieberman from his post is not an example of bipartisanship.
So I know many of you are awaiting my thoughts on the election, and just give it another day or so...I am taking my time to formulate my thoughts as to how I feel about the election, and what I think vs. what I would like to see happen over the next four years.
However right now, there's something that I would like to discuss. I have been seeing a lot of people say things like "now is the time of unity" and "we must all come together in a spirit of bipartisanship." Now, obviously for many of these people these statements are just talking points, and things they are recycling heard from speeches by Barack Obama - as a colleague of mine who is saying such things has done nothing but complain about the Republican party since 2000. He's no supporter of bipartisanship, he is just posing as an advocate of such in order to save face in the end. This way he can create an illuson that allows him to mask who he really is. Truth be told, these democrats that are screaming "unity" and "bipartisan" will be the first people to throw the other party under the bus the minute something goes wrong as to avoid any blame for their or their party's own actions. The democrat's senate reaction to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a clear cut example of this. Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, and others did not desire or need any help from the Republican party. Then, once the bailout was on the table, suddenly they wanted help from the Republicans to fit their own agenda, all of the time just pointing blame squarely on the Republican party - whom they were asking to vote on the bailout. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense to me either.
That being said, let's look at what's going on right now. Harry Reid (I shudder every time I say his name) is now trying to remove Senator Lieberman of his post as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee as a direct result of Lieberman's breaking party ranks and siding with Senator John McCain during McCain's 2008 Presidential bid. Now, call me crazy, but I fail to see how calling for the removal of someone who was once the Vice Presidential candidate for your own party because he made a decision you don't like is helping. This is no call for unity - it is a slap in the face to a man for doing something that Harry Reid did not deem acceptable. Now correct me if I am wrong, but Lieberman was once a democrat, and then is now an Independent who caucuses with the Democratic party. Thus, such a decision pushed by Harry Reid is anything but bipartisan - it is "I don't like what you've done, how dare you speak out against are out of here, pal."
No final decision has yet been made, but I would not be surprised if we see this style of thuggery in the coming months.
The article I reference can be seen here:
-The Rocker-
However right now, there's something that I would like to discuss. I have been seeing a lot of people say things like "now is the time of unity" and "we must all come together in a spirit of bipartisanship." Now, obviously for many of these people these statements are just talking points, and things they are recycling heard from speeches by Barack Obama - as a colleague of mine who is saying such things has done nothing but complain about the Republican party since 2000. He's no supporter of bipartisanship, he is just posing as an advocate of such in order to save face in the end. This way he can create an illuson that allows him to mask who he really is. Truth be told, these democrats that are screaming "unity" and "bipartisan" will be the first people to throw the other party under the bus the minute something goes wrong as to avoid any blame for their or their party's own actions. The democrat's senate reaction to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is a clear cut example of this. Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, and others did not desire or need any help from the Republican party. Then, once the bailout was on the table, suddenly they wanted help from the Republicans to fit their own agenda, all of the time just pointing blame squarely on the Republican party - whom they were asking to vote on the bailout. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense to me either.
That being said, let's look at what's going on right now. Harry Reid (I shudder every time I say his name) is now trying to remove Senator Lieberman of his post as chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee as a direct result of Lieberman's breaking party ranks and siding with Senator John McCain during McCain's 2008 Presidential bid. Now, call me crazy, but I fail to see how calling for the removal of someone who was once the Vice Presidential candidate for your own party because he made a decision you don't like is helping. This is no call for unity - it is a slap in the face to a man for doing something that Harry Reid did not deem acceptable. Now correct me if I am wrong, but Lieberman was once a democrat, and then is now an Independent who caucuses with the Democratic party. Thus, such a decision pushed by Harry Reid is anything but bipartisan - it is "I don't like what you've done, how dare you speak out against are out of here, pal."
No final decision has yet been made, but I would not be surprised if we see this style of thuggery in the coming months.
The article I reference can be seen here:
-The Rocker-
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