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    Monday, January 5, 2009

    The Race Card: Will it Ever Stop?

    It seems to me that a large part of the liberal philosophy when arguing consists of this: destroy the other side of the argument, even if it means throwing all rationale out the window. Do whatever you can to discredit the opposing viewpoint in order to anhilate and destroy.

    Hence, the race card.

    We saw this played out time and time again in the general election this year, and it continues with this whole Blagojevich mess conerning Roland Burris. If you weren't going to vote for Barack Obama, it meant you are a racist. If you don't support Roland Burris' nomination by a corrupt Governor, you are racist.

    As far as logic, it's thrown out the window. Who cares about standing up for one's political ideals, when you can just be a liberal and accuse everyone of being racist?

    Did anyone ever think that a large part of facilitating racism is running around mindlessly while pointing the finger accusing everyone of actually being racist?

    At this juncture, I should also point out that African American democrats are constantly celebrated for their appointments and successes, yet it seems as if African American Republicans or Conservatives are hardly ever praised by the mainstream for their efforts. This is a double standard that is inherently racist to me. Great minds like Thomas Sowell are scoffed at, or people like Condoleeza Rice are laughed off as dismissible. Even Colin Powell doesn't win as much acclaim until he endorses Barack Obama. Please explain the logic in this to me.

    The truth is, there is no reason why race should even be a factor. I am sick and tired of accusations that someone is racist just because they don't support a candidate from a minority. If I remember, only 13% of the vote came from an African American turnout. This means that 87% of the voting population in 2008 was not African American. Now count me if I'm wrong, but won't the first African American President be sworn in on January 20th? If a large percentage of the population isn't black, and 52% voted for a black man, where is the racism coming in to play?

    The truth is, I, like many others, do not care for Barack Obama because of his policies and his ideals. It is his empty rhetoric and leftist voting record we are against - not his race.

    In regards to Burris, the race card is also being played, as "activists" are angered at the idea of Burris potentially not taking Barry's senate seat, as is reported by the Associated Press. Even democrats are now pitting the race card against each other, as can be seen in this article. Some democrats point the finger to Harry Reid, as they label him a racist because he doesn't support the appointment of another African American to Obama's Senate seat. Amazing now the democrats are at war with each other. Do these people ever stop fighting and just get anything done?

    No. They don't. They point the finger. They label. They attempt to destroy any viewpoint with any loss of rationale they can find in order to get thier way. Don't get me wrong - Harry Reid is a complete ass. He and his sidekick, Nancy "stretch" Pelosi are some of the worst people ever to hold public office. However, why do they immediately accuse him of being racist?

    I don't support Burris either. It doesn't have to do with his race, it has to do with who is appointing him, and (get ready for it)...his policy views. Why is this so hard for leftists to understand? Everything isn't a race issue. All they are doing is helping fuel the fire of racism. This sort of finger pointing and empty accusations aren't moving us forward, they are just holding everyone back. It's about time that this issue was buried.

    My advice to leftist and liberal nutjobs out there? Start basing your thoughts on ideals and viewpoints related to your cause. In addition, be sure to base these viewpoints on matters of substance, not material issues.

    -The Rocker-

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