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    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    Proof you cannot reason with a liberal. My "insightful" chat with one tonight.

    So I've been dormant for a little bit. I get that. I've been busy. I will riff on this later (and other things that need to be said), but basically let's get right to the point, shall we?

    I am sick and tired of hearing everyone praise Barack Obama for his courageous efforts in the pirate situation. In reality, he made no operational decision. He sat on it for days, as if the Captain's life was not in immediate danger for terrorists. Then when it seemed to play out okay and the navy did their job, he steps up and takes credit and the liberals are praising him.

    For what? A job that he should have done days before? He avoided the issue, waited to see how it played out, and then took credit for it. He waited to see what would happen. Once the Navy did an excellent job doing what they were supposed to do, then he was hailed. If things went haywire, he wouldn't have had a fingerprint on the thing. All he did was sign a paper (finally) saying that action would be taken. Any president should have taken action against the terrorists.

    So, how does the title relate to the above paragraphs?

    Well, I made the mistake of trying to engage an Obama drinking kool-aid lib tonight. The problem with these people is that you cannot reason with them. They live in their own reality in which they create, and do not accept any outside thought - this is what makes the left so scary to me.

    The most interesting part to me about this engagement is that I wasn't malicious at all to him. I even tried to just say "hey, I see where you are coming from, maybe we are just misunderstanding each other here" - and that was no good. It's as if the modern "intellectual liberal" doesn't listen to a damn thing anyone else has to say - only the hot air that escapes from their lungs. Forget trying too hard to educate one of these people, they simply just won't have it.

    Anyway, this guy in particular had posted a video on a social networking website claiming that conservatives were once again placing foot in mouth as they were ignorantly blaming Obama for not taking action when emerged the triumphant victor - the man standing above all.

    What follows is my conversation with said lib. You can tell I gave up pretty quickly, as he wasn't going to listen to reason. First there was my initial comment, and then a chat to follow:

    The rocker:
    Obama had nothing to do with the rescue though. Obama didn't make any operational decisions. He did, however sign a paper from some lawyers authorizing the military to do what they are supposed to do in the first place. I think you've got the message wrong there, guy. Just saying. That being said, at least everything turned out okay. We should be praising the brave navy seals who went in and did the job - not Barack Obama.

    Obama Kool Aid Drinking Lib:
    did i in any way praise barack obama here? i just said these guys were idiots because they assumed the navy was doing nothing. plus, the president gave a direct order to take the bastards out.of course this captain was saved thanks to our brave men in uniform. by the way, there is a cool teabagging party on the 15th you might want to attend. i am sure all the sarah palin fans will be there. Have fun!

    The Rocker:
    lol wow that was a little harsh, don't you think? I wasn't trying to incite any anger here, guy. You said nothing about Obama, i was merely reading the video description and commenting on that. No hard feelings here. I was just saying that Obama didn't have much to do in regards to this.

    Shortly thereafter (as I should have just left it alone), I decided to ping him and make my peace - just to see how he would take it if someone tried to say, "okay, i'll call a truce." (My theories as to how he would act came to be correct, as this proved to be a big mistake)...

    The Rocker
    hey man, im not trying to start anything, my bad if that pissed you off. I'm not much into online wars anyway.

    Obama Kool-Aid Drinking Lib:
    watch the video. see the douchebag comments. plus, the president gave a direct order to take out those terrorists

    The Rocker
    yeah, i know...i have been reading up on everything that happened and have been keeping up with it over the last couple of days.

    Obama Kool-Aid Drinking Lib:
    the prez had EVERYTHING to do with it. he had been receiving up to 6 updates a day on the situation. he gave the exec order to kill them. i dont know where u got your info but you are wrong about him having nothing to do with it.
    but at the same time it is standard operating procedure
    we dont negotiate with terrorists
    so, in that sense you are right
    no comment?

    The Rocker
    ? sorry my chat didn't send it properly. hang on,
    the original post was something along the lines of:
    sorry chat is still going haywire, original post was something along this: my point was that there should have been zero negotiation, and that in reality he didn't have to do much with the situation, just sign a paper and then not comment on the situation before or after. So I'm not sure if maybe you and I are just at some sort of misunderstanding here

    Obama Kool-Aid Drinking Lib:
    maybe so, but my whole point was the douchebags on fox news should have assumed the prez was doing the proper prez thing and handling it all through back channels. he of course doesnt deserve much praise because it is what any prez would have done

    The Rocker
    in some regards that is true. I was and am irritated at the fact that it seems as if he waited on the decision for awhile, as if for some reason the captain's life wasn't in any sort of danger. So it was as if (IMHO) that he waited it out to see the outcome, and then essentially signed an order doing what should have been done in the first place. So in that respect,
I don't see it as a victory or even much of a total failure in that regard. I just don't understand why I keep seeing things on the internet praising him

    Anyway, to be perfectly honest with you, it's late and I have to be in the office in the morning. If I don't cut this off now, then I will be here online going back and forth all night, where it's not as if i feel that either side is making an invalid point. So in that case, I'm going to peace out and go to bed, I have tons of shit to catch up on in the AM. Have a good night though, dude.

    The best part is yet to come, the kool aid lib's perfect response

    Obama Kool-Aid Drinking Lib:
    nice sarah palin fanpage on your profile. maybe she will let you come sit on her porch and watch the russians

    ...and there you have it, folks. You can't reason with the unreasonable. Even if you try and be nice, they will mock you and create their own reality. I'm just baffled at the sheer and utter stupidity and narrow mindedness of these people.

    I'll analyze the argument later and break it down, but I want you to notice his rhetoric. He ignores any points I make, has his list of talking points, blames Fox News (typical liberal defense - did I ever even mention Fox News to him? I don't think so), proceeds to mention the "teabagging party" (as he so eloquently called it) - a matter which is 100 percent not related to the issue at hand, and then when all else fails, resorts to personal attacks to emulate a "well, I certainly showed him" style of response. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself I suppose.

    Typical. All fluff, no substance with these people. I'm out. I need to sleep.

    -The Rocker-

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