The Rocker and The Banker's Updates

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    Wednesday, August 12, 2009

    So, let me get this straight here...

    And I quote...

    "UPS and FedEX are doin' just fine...uh...right...the, they are, i mean, it's it's the, uh, post office that's always having problems."

    So, just to clarify, private industry is doing fine, and the government run institution is having problems. That's very correct, Mr. President. Imagine that. Just like social security, medicare, medicaid, fannie, and freddie.

    But don't worry folks, these clowns want to be in charge of your healthcare as well. Somehow, it will all work out okay. We just have to trust in the statist.

    Cut me a break.

    -The Rocker-

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