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    Tuesday, March 3, 2009

    Too poor to what?

    This is just a quick commentary, but I was driving around today trying to find something to eat for lunch. I was in the uptown area, and found myself at a stoplight behind a car that is easily 15-20 thousand dollars more expensive than mine. Normally, make, model, and price of an automobile is of little importance to me. However, when it comes to this story, it is 100% vital to what I have to say. On the back of this particular automobile was a bumper sticker that read the following:

    "Too poor to vote Republican."

    Besides the fact that there are many obvious things wrong with this claim (you know, the tired, old argument that the Republican party is only comprised of a few hundred rich white guys), it occurred to me that for every idiot who has this sticker on their car, we should replace it with a more truthful statement. I propose the following:

    "Too stupid to properly comprehend economics."

    There, that seems much more logical, doesn't it? In fact, the sentence above seems to make more sense, and certainly seems to fall in line more with the current liberal philosophy of spend, spend, spend - nevermind where all this "mystery money" is supposed to come from. But don't worry - Nancy Pelosi needs 30 million dollars of your hard earned money for a mouse, and the eco-marxists in congress need millions more for electric golf carts to get around Washington.

    Just an observation.

    -The Rocker-

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